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My Password Protector

4.0 ( 80 ratings )
Utility Produttività
Sviluppatore Pivotole, LLC
0.99 USD

AirDrop one password or share entire database with My Password Protector App 6.2 or higher on another iPhone or iPad. Share backup file to iOS devices including Mac. Touch ID and Face ID login encrypted password manager. Fast search for passwords and notes. Print all account information and notes. Security focused. AES 256 encryption keeps passwords safe. Turn off iCloud backup and biometrics when desired in app settings. Send individual passwords by airDrop, text or Email. "Swipe right to Copy". No subscriptions or accounts required.

- AirDrop one password or the whole database to another device with same App version 6.2 or higher (this one)
- No subscriptions.
- Touch ID login (when available on device), can turn off.
- Face ID login (when available on device), can turn off
- AES 256 Encryption for logon and all passwords.
- Search quickly all data including passwords and notes.
- Print to wifi printers if you can use iOS print function in other apps.
- Date and time stamped.
- Text to speech button on password view
- Large note section for account history.
- Settings for Biometrics (Touch and Face ID) & iCloud backup to keep data on device
- Undo last change (until App goes into background or Export)
- Delete entire database (use with care)
- Does NOT share data with other apps like Safari, iOS or third parties.
- No email registrations. (note: Login CANT BE RESET if you forget it.)
- Can copy and paste. 
- "Swipe to Copy" makes copy and paste much easier
- Can be used entirely off cloud. No cloud syncing. Cloud backup available it changed in settings.
- Send Passwords by Email or Text or airDrop
- Easy to Use, Does not create passwords for you
- Easy to share passwords with others with same App on iOS

Keeps track of when you created a password with Date/Time stamps.

Perfect for shared device in TV room for streamers. Stop losing your password.

Use as part of a 3-part security model. For example:

Level 1: Financial or digital coin accounts should never be put in an app or in the cloud or emails. Keep in safe. Treat like an asset.

Level 2: Accounts which have purchasing capability and show payment info. Keep encrypted on a safe device, print out and put in safe.

Level 3. All other accounts. Keep encrypted. Can back up to iCloud or computer. Tends to be up to 70 passwords! How can you keep track? Now you can with My Password Protector.

Note: The iPhone Biometrics are only protected by your pin code. Anyone who has it can access this app unless you turn off Touch ID in app. Write down login somewhere!

There is NO WAY for you to recover your forgotten login password! That is the trade off for you to not to have to create an account who has 3rd party access to your passwords. You would have reinstall the app and re-enter the information if you cant get in with Touch or Face ID. However, once in with Touch or Face ID you can change the password. This is a flexible level of security based on your settings.